Package nbi.xmlsec.biocase.protocol.filter

Class Summary
ContentFilter The class ContentFilter parses the content of a BioCASE response from a SAX stream.
ContentFilterParameter Container class to store Parameters for the ContentFilter.
ContentObjectFilter This filter simply reads in all incoming SaxElements and stores them in an internal Buffer.
COPFilter The class COPFilter parses the content of a COP operator of BioCASE search request from a SAX stream.
DiagnosticsFilter This class parses a BioCASE diagnostics from a SAX stream.
HeaderFilter This class parses an BioCASE header from a SAX stream.
LOPFilter The class LOPFilter parses the content of a LOP operator of BioCASE search request from a SAX stream.
OperationTypeFilter The class OperationTypeFilter parses the request format element of an search or scan operation type of a BioCASE search or scan request from a SAX stream.
OperatorFilter The class OperatorFilter prepares the parsing of COP or LOP operators using the classes COPFilteror LOPFilter respectively.
PDPFilterParameter Container class to store Parameters for the RBACPDP.
ProtocolFilter Base class to parse and filter protocol treeElements of the BioCASE protocol.
RBACFilter The class RBACFilter removes treeElements and attributes according to policies defined in XACML-RBAC policies from the SAX stream.
RBACFilterParameter Container class to store Parameters for the RBACFilter.
RequestFilter The RequestFilter parses and evaluates requests of the BioCASE protocol.
ResponseFilter The ResponseFilter filters responses of the BioCASE protocol.
ResponseFilterParameter Container class to store Parameters for the ResponseFilter.
ScanOperationTypeFilter This class parses an BioCASE ScanOperationType from a SAX stream.
SearchOperationTypeFilter This class parses a ScanOperationType of a BioCASE request from a SAX stream.

Copyright © 2006 Lutz Suhrbier, Freie Universität Berlin. All Rights Reserved.